The Executive Warrior
Mental toughness, self-confidence, resilience, motivation, and leadership from within are key traits of the Executive Warrior. Developing a powerful warrior mindset is a must-have asset for today’s professionals to navigate through change and challenges. You will learn how to set empowering goals, overcome self-doubt, achieve next-level performance, and become a resilient leader. Now more than ever, mental toughness could be the single most important skill you can acquire as a working professional. The best teacher or guide is someone who has walked the warrior’s path before you. This has been my path for well over a decade - I can’t wait to share what I’ve learned from my journey to help you with yours.
Resilience and the Fighting Spirit™
This workshop aims at training the members of your organization to effectively prevent, control, and de-escalate hostile situations. You will be taught how to grasp the dynamics of a situation and use both your mental capabilities and physical attributes to disengage a hostile situation. Our program teaches you how to better use your Capability, how to better Plan, and then how to better Respond when the situation begins to unravel. This is our CPR program.
Contact us for a FREE program consultation
"VERY INFORMATIVE! Potentially life-saving tips/techniques people can use not only in the workplace but at other settings as well."
"THIS WAS BY FAR THE MOST VALUABLE TRAINING THE FIRM COULD HAVE EVER GIVEN US. The presentation was fascinating, gripping, and mind expanding. The level of information, including the facts and figures, was above-and-beyond expectations. "
"THANK YOU FOR ARRANGING THIS! I thought it was very useful, and although it’s something we don’t want to imagine happening, IT IS SOMETHING THAT SHOULD BE ADDRESSED. "
."I LEARNED A GREAT DEAL. I was surprised by how much common sense his approach made, yet I know my instinct would be to do the opposite of what he taught. With the skills I learned, I WILL NOW RESPOND DIFFERENTLY should I ever find myself in such a situation. "
“This exercise was excellent. Having a mindset is so important in all situations and these exercises have helped imbed the natural reaction of an active shooter situation. Put aside the analytical part of your mind and just react. Being able to practice that concept will help if ever put in the situation for real. “